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Accelerated Content Creation with Integrated Media Management & Distribution from iconik & Wildmoka

Written by Chris McMahon | 10.26.23


  • Bring media to market faster with a new live-to-archive workflow. Connect iconik and Wildmoka to effortlessly manage, access, and distribute your valuable content. 
  • Create in Wildmoka, manage and find in iconik, and distribute everywhere. Wildmoka lets you clip, edit, and publish from events in near real-time. Iconik archives these assets with metadata for easy future access and repurposing. 
  • Broaden your reach and monetize content across platforms without the headache of traditional archive systems.
  • Find more creative ways to use content. Get the most from your live and existing content, by repurposing them to tell new stories.

Ever felt the pressure of searching through and organizing overwhelming amounts of content? You’re not alone. People from every branch of broadcasting and digital media are juggling increased distribution channels, steep production costs, and legacy media asset management tools. The plea from news, sports, esports, advertising, and others is the same—”Give us a new way to do this faster!” 

Traditional archiving methods can be rigid and hard to access, which works against the fast-paced content creation modern organizations are aiming for. Older content is often stashed away in off-site, hard-to-access formats like tapes or cold (sometimes glacial…) storage. When sharing great moments, the last thing you want is to waste time hunting for that perfect clip or image. When speed and flexibility can make or break your efforts to "lift and shift" your assets quickly, frictionless access to your media is critical no matter if it’s live or from the archives. 

That's why we’re pleased to announce iconik x Wildmoka – a new workflow integration that pairs Wildmoka's robust media production and distribution platform with iconik's easy-to-use and wallet-friendly media management features.

With iconik x Wildmoka, you can bridge the gap between your live and archived content. Whether you’re saving the best moments of a live event or quickly remixing content for social media, you don’t have to juggle multiple platforms; now, you can manage, find, and share your content faster in one unified workflow to accelerate your time to publish. Being first to market with live content yields more views and boosts engagement across the digital landscape.

"The iconik x Wildmoka integration has been a huge help to us at Goodwood, especially during Revival 2023. We published almost 5,000 videos and 100 hours of branded video over just 36 hours, with 99% of those assets archived directly to iconik, which speaks volumes about the capabilities of this integration. With Wildmoka x iconik, our archiving at Goodwood is incredibly streamlined, which de-risks us as a business, with all of our content backed up and ready to pull from whenever it's needed.

Nathan Morgan – Group Head of IT, Goodwood

Let's get into the details of how this workflow combination can supercharge your media workflow.

First off, what is Wildmoka? 

Wildmoka, which is also a Backlight product, is a cloud-native platform that enables media production and distribution from any source, to any digital destination, in any format, at speed and at scale. With Wildmoka, you have a full suite of creative and distribution tools for live clipping and editing, automated sport clips and reels creation, live production and repurposing. 

Trusted by industry leaders like Sky, NBC Sports, and Warner Bros. Discovery, the platform simplifies and powers up the content journey, from crafting engaging videos to distributing them across digital platforms for maximum reach and revenue.

  • Create clips and highlights on the fly: Quickly create clips, highlight reels for near-live distribution across digital, to give visibility to important programming at key moments that drive viewership and monetization.
  • Easy distribution: Send content to multiple digital platforms, like social media, in just a few clicks. No more manual hassle – Wildmoka does it all for you, making sure you reach your audience at the right time and keeping you ahead of the game in our rapid-fire digital world.
  • Re-stream and re-version live content: Produce, repurpose, create multiple versions, and hyper-distribute live streams in the right formats for all of your global destinations. You can even produce your live event in the cloud using Wildmoka’s live production tools to switch cameras, insert slates, create scenes, and more.
  • Monetization opportunities: Amp up revenue with sponsorships or advertising using overlays, b-roll, or ad insertion triggers to get the most value out of your video content.
  • Use AI and automation to achieve scale: Ramp up your content production without expanding your editing team, using AI-based add-ons to enhance and automate your content.

With Wildmoka, you can produce and share digital content quickly and on a massive scale. The result? Increased brand presence and engaged viewers across a ton of platforms.

What does iconik’s integration with Wildmoka offer you?

Creating fresh content around the clock, at scale, and competing to be first to market is a tall order. But also being able to locate and repurpose existing media to make a story pop can make a big difference in its visibility. But how will people know media exists if it’s deep in an archive with limited access?

Enter the iconik x Wildmoka integration to expedite the traditional restore-from-archive chain. 

In a nutshell, with this integration, you can use Wildmoka to ingest and edit live feeds to create clips, highlight reels, and re-versioned feeds. You can then publish that content to your digital channels with immediacy, while iconik is registering it for long-term archiving, retrieval, and reuse.

In practice, if you’re an esports broadcaster running a weekly, four-hour esports tournament, you could use Wildmoka's Clip Studio to cherry-pick the most exciting moments from the live stream, brand and reformat them, and push them straight to social media, even while the tournament continues to play out. Facebook, Twitter, TikTok, YouTube – Clip Studio will get your content there in near real-time.

Here's where the iconik magic kicks in: 

By layering Wildmoka with iconik, those epic game moments won't just disappear after you've shared them. When you hit distribute, you can also push those moments into your iconik library with all the metadata and details you need for later retrieval. Now, anyone on your team can retrieve those great moments and repurpose them across a brand’s digital ecosystem, all while the event is still in play.

Once things are over, the marketing team might want to craft a promo reel for next week’s tournament. Now, there’s no more waiting to restore files from the archive. The marketing team can find saved clips stored in iconik, bring the highest-resolution proxy into Wildmoka for editing and branding, and boom – they’re ready to distribute through Wildmoka again to build some weekend hype. 

Iconik empowers live teams to easily distribute and share a wealth of content in the moment, and digital producers to quickly find and revamp old content to create buzz and keep their brand top of mind, minus the traditional chain-of-pain of archive retrieval – and all without compromising on quality.

Or another way to think of it: Wildmoka is your content playground, and iconik is your ever-organized toy box. 

Here’s a breakdown of the integrated workflow:

  1. Ingest live content from your event into Wildmoka.
  2. Tailor content: Cut and compose clips and highlight reels using Wildmoka’s Clip Studio, or create custom live feeds with Wildmoka’s Live Studio, tailored for localized audiences.
  3. Push content directly to digital platforms (O&O, social, or third-party hosted) using Wildmoka for immediate and broad distribution and monetization, as well as to your iconik Collection for archive. 
  4. Store captured live feeds, compositions, and clips as assets in iconik with associated metadata for long-term storage and future retrieval/creative utilization.
  5. Reuse previously saved media – just search for the assets required using iconik's advanced search tools and load it back into Wildmoka for repurposing. Wildmoka will use the highest resolution proxy file. 

This setup takes Wildmoka to the next level, transforming it into a publishing powerhouse. Now, it's not just one team calling the shots; everyone across a brand can tap into a treasure trove of content and reach digital audiences far and wide.


Unlock content production possibilities with Wildmoka x iconik

This integration helps you easily store, access, and repurpose valuable content, creating a continuous flywheel of content storage and reuse.

  • Say goodbye to content chaos. Overwhelmed by live events, webinars, or sports matches? iconik's smart search and organization features make sure you never lose track of all the assets you produce. It’s all available via one easily accessible interface. 
  • Streamline distribution. With your assets stored in iconik, your team gets to work faster and smarter. Grab what you need from iconik and get to editing and publishing in Wildmoka. Consistent and timely publishing across multiple digital channels will become the norm.
  • Save big, scale easily. Forget pricey, clunky traditional MAM. Iconik delivers more flexibility and greater scalability at a fraction of the cost, so media operations of any size can unlock the potential of their video content without breaking the bank – and scale infrastructure when event coverage demands it.
  • Get more creative with your content: This isn't just about storage and distribution; it’s about letting you get creative with your owned content. By making your iconik assets readily available in Wildmoka, you can remix, repurpose, and re-envision your brand in endless new ways. Your marketing team will thank you.

Hyper-distribution meets smart savings

If you’re a broadcaster looking for new ways to distribute your content or a Wildmoka user interested in exploring some of the most cost-effective and simple media management out there, the iconik x Wildmoka integration is for you. By pairing Wildmoka's high-octane distribution with iconik you receive an all-in-one platform that lets you manage, share, and make money off your event content without the challenges associated with traditional archival. 

Please note: You must be a user of both iconik and Wildmoka to use this integration.

If you’re an existing customer or if you’re not familiar with Wildmoka and would like to learn more, contact us here and we’ll be back in touch. We can discuss how implementing this integration can improve your content experience.

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Chris McMahon
Sr. Production Marketer

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