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How France Télévisions is Embracing the New Sports Broadcasting Paradigm

Written by Matthieu Loreille | 12.03.19


How France Télévisions Doubled its Digital Audiences: A Wildmoka Case Study

A new paradigm in sports consumption: learn how to thrive in the new era

Everything we know about sports broadcasting is in flux. Yesterday’

s tried and tested techniques are being massively disrupted by new technologies, viewing patterns and audience expectations. In short, we’re entering a new paradigm for sports consumption.
Do you have the strategy to succeed in this new era?

Huge opportunities await - but challenges emerge

A paradigm shift happens in the media industry when enough new technologies and techniques emerge which make the previous norm obsolete. When it comes to sports consumption, the trend that has been rising in recent years is now impossible to ignore. In the past, you could only watch sports live at an event, on television or in an evening roundup show. But today, the options are much greater and increasingly varied:

  • Dedicated OTT websites are emerging for specific sports and events
  • Broadcasters put out more content on dedicated apps
  • Social media platforms provide opportunities to share video
  • Audiences pick and choose when, where and how to view content - they’re no longer constrained to a television in a specific room of their home or at a sports bar



Tour de France by France Télévisions - a proof of success in the new paradigm

What does success in this new paradigm look like? In 2019’s Tour de France, broadcaster France Télévisions created a veritable war machine to engage with the possibilities that this new paradigm presents. They distributed vast amounts of digital content across a wide range of platforms, creating unique new ways to engage their viewers and win new audiences. And this helped generate renewed interest in the sport, while increasing advertising opportunities for the broadcaster’s commercial partners. 

Learn how: download the case study report

In our case study report of France Télévisions’ 2019 Tour de France broadcasting, you will learn:

  • What is different about this emerging paradigm
  • What tools, technologies and editorial strategies you will need to master
  • The benefits of getting it right
  • How to create, distribute and monetize large amounts of content online fast
  • How to provide the kind of personalized, omnichannel and immersive experiences that audiences want

A new paradigm is emerging in sports broadcasting. Download our report today to learn how you can succeed.