The launch of ftrack Review – our review and approval tool for creative professionals – is just around the corner.

If you haven’t heard of ftrack Review – it’s our new and improved collaborative media tool for those who must quickly review and approve media with clients throughout a fast-paced production schedule.

ftrack Review runs directly in your web browser: clients and teammates simply access a secure session via a link and start annotating on media. That means you can say goodbye to endless email threads and welcome centralised communication with clear-cut feedback!

We’ve been working hard to get the product primed and ready for release. That means paying close attention to feedback from our Beta users and developing new features in response – features that fine-tune ftrack Review to the needs of today’s fast-paced creative environments.

The latest version of the ftrack Review Beta is now live and we’d love to tell you about it. Read on to learn about some of the new features you can try out today, for free.

New additions to ftrack Review Beta

  • Set review session availability: Users can now set the availability of a review session, so if you want to close the session after a set period of time for security reasons, you can! New reviews will default to “always open”, but can be set to “closed” when the session is no longer needed, or to automatically expire at a specific date.
  • Visualising progress: A summary of feedback on a review can now be viewed as progress bars, giving users a quick sense of the status of a project. Specifically, you can glean how many of the items in a review have received feedback and how many collaborators have opened the review. You can see what this looks like in the gallery below.
  • Touch device support: Users are now able to annotate on media using touch devices.
  • Faster navigation: New keyboard shortcuts allow for toggling between frames of a video or between ftrack Review’s annotation tools. Users can also pan media by holding down the middle mouse button.
  • Brand your review: Accounts can now be white labeled, meaning you can upload a logo and set a company name for that account. This logo and company name will replace the ftrack logo, giving your sessions a more personal touch.
  • Disable/enable user accounts: There’s now much more flexibility around ftrack Review’s account management preferences. If you want to change the amount of users who can access ftrack Review, simply disable or enable the user accounts via the system settings.
  • Going on tour: We’ve added an intro tour to guide new users through the set up process when they first dive into ftrack Review.
  • General improvements and new icons: We’ve made a great deal of fixes and improvements to ftrack Review, including adding a loading indicator when images are loading and a brush icon to help distinguish comments with annotations from your more regular run-of-the-mill comments. It’s the small things that make all the difference!