Deliver localized content at scale with AI: Introducing live translation and multi-track subtitles in Wildmoka
Today, connecting with audiences wherever they are—and doing so in a meaningful way—has ...
ftrack updates: The new webhooks UI, external URL linking, and more
This month, we’re bringing several new features to ftrack Studio to make your creative ...
New integrations with Side FX Houdini, Adobe Premiere Pro, and Toon Boom Harmony (Pre-release)
Recently, we launched the new ftrack Connect Framework to enhance creative industry ...
What’s new in cineSync: A new iOS app and visual timeline
iOS App: cineSync on the Go: Join cineSync 5 review sessions from your iOS device, with ...
Maximize the value of your managed video assets with OTT distribution
Introducing AWS Cloud Deployment for iconik SaaS
At iconik, our mission is to make media easily accessible and manageable for everyone. ...