ftrack Review is a quick, easy, and seamless way to provide feedback on creative projects. Below, you can take a guided tour through all of ftrack Review’s features and learn how to get the most from your creative feedback sessions.
Watch the videos below for a good overview of how to manage and run a collaborative media review session from start to end. If you watch the entire series, you’ll have a solid understanding of how to navigate the ftrack Review interface, invite collaborators and annotate media, run synchronized reviews, export your review notes…and more!
If you’d like to start a free trial to explore the features discussed in this blog, simply hit the button below.
1. Getting around ftrack Review
Take a quick tour of ftrack Review. In this video, you’ll receive a high-level overview of where everything lives in ftrack Review, such as where to access account settings, how to browse your review projects, and a quick look at the review interface UI.
2. Creating a project
In this guide, you’ll learn all about setting up a project in ftrack Review. The video covers how to set review privacy, upload media, and begin your review session.
3. Using notes and annotations
Find out how to organise your media playlists, add annotations, and add notes to your review. You’ll learn how to upload media and manage your playlist, navigate media, and use ftrack Review’s feedback features, including the various annotation tools and adding notes.
4. Inviting guests
Add clients and colleagues to your review sessions! Here, we show you how to add guests to your review so you can share collaborative feedback, along with some best practices to consider before you send out your invites.
5. Using sync
One of ftrack Review’s most powerful features is the ability to sync reviews and share them in real-time, interactive sync with your guests. Learn how to set up your review and start sync and gain insight into how the feature works in a live session.
6. What to expect as a Review guest
Find out what ftrack Review external guests will experience when invited to a session! You’ll see how they receive the review and what functionality they can expect after joining the session.
7. Managing and exporting a review
Take a closer look at managing your reviews from your review hub and media library. This video reveals how to manage versions, explore summaries of your reviews, and set review accessibility. You’ll also learn how to export a shareable PDF containing all review feedback and annotations.
8. A walkthrough of the review library
In this session, you’ll learn how to: get around the Review Library, upload new versions to a project, manage asset versions in a project, delete and share asset versions to a Review from the project Library, organize asset versions into folders in your Library, add internal feedback and annotations on a version, and more.
9. Using advanced features
Discover the detailed features available in ftrack Review, including playback options, media resolution, time format selection, flip and flopping, ghosting, and more!
Try ftrack Review for free
Make collaboration on media simple. Start your free trial of ftrack Review today!

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