Easy media review and approval
Get feedback and draw on video in sync with colleagues and clients.

Interactive review and approval
Whether offline or in full interactive sync, you can review and approve projects via ftrack Review’s all-in-one, free-flowing media review interface. Simple, effective, and proven to speed up sign-offs.
Just dive in
Simply share a link with others, and they can dive in and start adding detailed, frame-accurate notes on your media. There’s no installation and no nonsense – just super simple, ultra-clear feedback.
Images courtesy ESMA Nantes, La Source des Montagnes, 2022
Your media review toolkit
Delivered with help from ftrack Review

“ftrack Review is a solution I would heartily promote to the animation industry." – Ezarisyirwan Basri, Head of Studio and Productions, Lil Critter Workshop
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“ftrack Review helps create efficiencies in the process and deliver a better product, on time and within budget.” – Danny Jones, Director, CPL Creative Labs
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“ftrack Review presents no barriers: our clients just launch the software and visualize their creative ideas.” – Lennín Mireles, CEO, LMcad
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Draw on video in real-time sync
Review files, sketch ideas, or draw on video – whether you’re across the office or in a different timezone, you and your session participants will see the same frame at the same time. No dropped frames, no artifacts, just easy, free-flowing review.
You can boost your review experience with Review Pro – access increased resolution and invite more teammates to sync.
Robustly secure
Your content is your most important asset. That’s why Review is secure, TPN compliant, and rigorously audited. You can configure your workspace so only the right people have access to the right projects.
Built for creatives
ftrack Review is designed from its foundations upwards to make life easier for creatives. With Review, feedback is fast and clear, with fewer iterations needed before final sign-off.
Manage media
Access everything you need from one interface. Manage your review library, get a breakdown of all review activity, and assign roles to your team. ftrack Review makes review management simple.