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Welcome to Ftrack Actions

Actions empower you to customize Ftrack. Create processes that automate, optimize, and enhance how you work.

An Action is a custom script that extends functionality in Ftrack. Automate reports, launch apps, or open a custom UI—whatever you want to do, Actions help to focus on creativity over admin.

Install your first Action

Learn how to install and run an Action for testing and personal use using the instructions below. For studio usage, you might prefer to centralize your Actions and manage them with a solution like Supervisor.

Install the ftrack Connect desktop service
Learn more about Connect and download it here.
Download your Action
Access an Action from our Code repository or community forum and save it on your computer.
Launch ftrack Connect
Start Ftrack Connect. Click on the service menu and then “Open plugin folder”.
Create new sub-folders
Create new sub-folders inside the plugins folder with the name of your action, e.g. <ftrack-plugins-folder>/my-fancy-action/hook/.
Place the Action .py file
Place the action .py file inside the hook/folder.
Quit and start Connect again to reload your new Action.
You're all set!
Your Action is now available on your ftrack server.

Actions – frequently asked questions

How do I download and install Actions? You can download our sample Actions below (as Python files) or visit our Action repository on GitHub to see all available Actions that we share. The ftrack community also often shares Actions on our community forum.
A future release will support “one-click” install for non-technical users. In this first release, you will need to configure the Actions in code (setting the server to connect to, for example) and then either run them manually or configure them to run as part of Connect. Check out this quick Getting Started guide.
Can anyone install and run Actions? Yes, but only if they have a valid API key. API keys are used to control access to resources through the API. For example, it is possible to have an API key that can only perform read-only operations for general use, while a separate API key might have full write permissions.
If you are developing an Action for yourself only, you can use your Personal API Key. (Please note, this API key could have restrictions; it depends on what your ftrack administrator has allowed users to do).
Can I share my Actions with the community? Yes, our goal is to make Actions easy to share. In this first release, you can share your Actions on our community forum (you will need to register if you haven’t already). In the future, we are looking into a more dedicated platform to support the process, both as a page and integrated into our products.
Can I make changes to the Actions you have provided? Absolutely. You can download any Action and customize it however you wish.
What if I want to write my own Actions? We constructed the Actions framework with developers in mind. We’ve tried to make developing your own Actions a straightforward process. You can start quickly by using our boilerplate code or customize one of our existing actions.
How will Actions evolve? We have a lot of great stuff planned for Actions in the future. Features include richer UIs, easier install, Actions management for bigger companies, and a platform for downloading and sharing Actions. Watch this space!