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Production workflows are faster with iconik

With iconik, you can review, edit, and deliver great work faster via a streamlined editorial workflow.

  • Access a complete archive of all media across all storage
  • Easily find and share media during post-production
  • Collaborate on work with unlimited collaborators
  • Deliver fresh, exciting content

Downtime is expensive

With iconik, your team can work more efficiently and deliver new content faster. Wherever your media lives, they can quickly access, use, and collaborate on it with a feature set designed to speed up production.

Add these workflow power-ups to your production

Easy Ingest
With iconik, you have many ways to easily ingest new video from many sources. With only a 2MB WIFI connection you can ingest media remotely!
Enrich with Data
Add valuable data with one-click AI transcriptions and auto-tagging. This can also be automated. 
Transfer Anywhere
Once files are ingested into iconik, they can be moved to any connected cloud or on-prem storage location for editors and other stakeholders.
Integrate with your tools
Easily find and add media to your creative software. No more lengthy downloads, uploads or transfers via other apps – with iconik, everything’s just a few clicks away.
Review & Approve
Manage all of your project feedback, like comments, drawings, versions, and approval status, in the same place you manage your media. It’s a simple way to move projects along – faster.
Create export locations to allow quick and easy delivery of your packaged final product with metadata, transcriptions, and posters to any configured storage. Everyone gets what they need in record time.
Build Media Libraries
Media can be stored anywhere in the cloud or on-premise while iconik indexes assets and stores frame-accurate proxies in the cloud for instant search and previews from any device.
Keep Archives Accessible
Original files can be moved to archive storage while proxy files are retained in the cloud. Restore your hi-res assets to any connected storage when they are needed again.

Unify your production processes from start to finish

Iconik can be the common thread that ties your workflows together so you can ingest, organize, produce, collaborate, review, and deliver video faster than you ever imagined.

Iconik integrates to do more

Iconik x Adobe

Find your media without leaving your creative workspace.
  • Premiere Pro
  • After Effects
  • Photoshop
  • Illustrator
  • Audition

Adobe Premiere Pro

  • Search, preview, and open iconik files in the Adobe application
  • Uploading a rendered sequence from Adobe Applications to iconik
  • Bulk upload
  • Iconik comments saved as markers
  • Support for motion graphic templates
  • Project files management
  • Project management
  • Proxy-edit workflows
  • Resolve missing originals
  • Resolve missing proxies
  • Sequence management
  • Upload all non-iconik project files to Iconik
  • Adobe Team Projects and standalone projects
  • Automatically add XMP metadata to an imported asset to track that it is managed by iconik upon importing into an Adobe Premiere project
  • Synchronize project information to iconik to know which assets came from iconik
  • Create relationships between projects, assets, and sequences that are uploaded to iconik
  • Iconik Storage Gateway (ISG) support



Adobe After Effects

  • Support for searching and viewing assets in iconik from the Adobe Application
  • Support for opening files from iconik
  • Support for uploading a rendered composition from within the Adobe After Effects to iconik
  • Adding XMP metadata to an imported asset to track that it is managed by iconik upon importing into an Adobe After Effect project



Adobe Photoshop

  • Support for searching and viewing assets in iconik from the Adobe Application
  • Support for opening files from iconik
  • Support for uploading files from within the Adobe Application to iconik



Adobe Illustrator

  • Support for searching and viewing assets in iconik from the Adobe Application
  • Support for opening files from iconik
  • Support for uploading files from within the Adobe Application to iconik



Adobe Audition

  • Support for searching and viewing assets in iconik from the Adobe Application
  • Support for opening files from iconik
  • Support for uploading files from within the Adobe Application to iconik



Iconik x Final Cut Pro

Edit faster with all your media just a few clicks away.
  • Find and preview assets quickly in iconik – files from multiple storage locations are visible in one place.
  • One-click to download assets and entire media collections and open them as new events in Final Cut Pro.
  • Start editing and spend less downtime looking for and previewing assets.
  • Send your render back to iconik for instant previews from anywhere.

Iconik x cineSync

Emmy-winning review and approval in iconik! The cineSync x iconik integration combines the Hollywood standard for high-quality, secure media review and collaboration with accessible media management to help you streamline workflows, maximize revenue, and keep clients happy.
  • High-quality review — Upload your iconik media into cineSync for real-time media review. You can review high-res, high frame rate, HDR content in its original color, all in interactive sync with others.
  • Absolute security cineSync is one of the most secure media review and approval solutions available. No media ever passes through cineSync's servers or those of a third party. cineSync keeps your content safe.

Iconik x Wildmoka

Get content to market faster with integrated cloud-native media management & hyper-distribution
  • Quickly create and customize video clips, streams, and reels for social media platforms
  • Easily distribute content simultaneously across multiple digital platforms
  • Create clips from live broadcasts in real-time for near-live distribution across digital
  • Generate revenue through sponsorships or advertising using overlays, b-rolls, or ad insertion triggers
  • Search and retrieve assets from Iconik to create and repurpose content
  • Distribute content through Wildmoka across multiple channels and platforms simultaneously to engage their target audience.

This is media management for everyone!