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Back Home after NABSHOW and MIPTV: Lots of Business to do! (Clone)

Back Home after NABSHOW and MIPTV: Lots of Business to do!

Broadcast Operator , Content Distribution
Cristian Livadiotti09.11.20< 1 min read

nab-mipWildmoka Team is back from NABSHOW in Las Vegas and MIPTV in Cannes and has plenty of business opportunities to follow-up with!

Might it be on Microsoft booth at the NABSHOW or on our own booth at MIPTV, we had in total around 60 high quality meetings with many future business opportunities. Our solutions really impressed visitors and they saw a great added value and a unique know-how.

We met many TV networks, content owners and production companies, which want to continue the discussions around our solutions and their implementation. The team is really enthusiastic about this great market feedback and is now concentrating on its commercial expansion.

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