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Wildmoka & Orange will attend the Monte-Carlo Television Festival (Clone)

Wildmoka & Orange will attend the Monte-Carlo Television Festival

Broadcast Operator , Content Distribution
Cristian Livadiotti09.11.201 min read

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TV consumption is at its peak today, driven by the growth of individual use and the need to share and comment TV content on social networks. 71% of Millenials use social media while watching TV.

This new mode of consumption offers the TV industry a large opportunity yet to be tapped in.  To do so, Wildmoka offers broadcasters and content providers a novel set of tools allowing their viewers to comment and share short clips from live shows. By creating a bridge between the TV and the social experiences, Wildmoka empowers operators to capture their audience throughout their journey through their content.

This service was already adopted by Orange, one of the leading French operators who dubbed it TV clipping.

To present this major innovation, Wildmoka & Orange will run this month for the Innovation Award of the Monte-Carlo Television Festival from June 14th to 16th  in Monte-Carlo.

As specialists of new TV uses & innovation, Cristian Livadiotti, Co-Founder at Wildmoka and Christophe Rufin, Marketing & Innovation Director at Orange will also take part in a panel about "Engaging Audiences Through New Creations in Digital Fields" on wednesday 15th of June.

We look forward to meet you this week in Monte-Carlo.

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